Enjoyed doing these – a departure from usual work, and quite engrossing
Author: Patricia Greaves
Ainsdale beach… once again looking for patterns and textures on the sand
Plenty of experiments at this time: embroidery and printmaking.
The theme of Liverpool’s maritime history and collections in the city’s museums were starting points for this work
At last the purple and white wisteria is flowering – drawings started now thinking about some felt! Back to the wisteria again, May 2020
Experiments with double weave. Considering the patterns/tracks left by people, cars and animals … here are some initial, novice explorations on my new loom. This is an entirely different pace to feltmaking … still mindful practice
I tend to visit the shore most weekends as the ‘walk does me good’ and also prompts reflections on the next or future projects. This weekend we commemorated the Armistice of 1918 and a creative project proposed and promoted by Danny Boyle, and made real by the National Trust and local residents, focussed on, and…
The quality of light was beautiful – as seen through the translucent razor shells. They were there in abundance, many tiny ones clustered together resembling seed stitched embroidery. Now there’s an idea for a project.
… exceptional exhibitions around at the moment… Tate Modern – Anni Albers, a beautifully constructed exhibition, great catalogue, and contextual artefacts. I was so impressed with the room housing the Six Prayers: such a medatitive aura was created. Couldn’t find the Sheila Hicks in the gallery – despite having the staff’s assistance and…